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Proceedings of the Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching Conference 2018: Teaching and Learning in a Globalised World /Wafa Zoghbor, Suhair Al-Alami,Thomaï Alexiou

Tác giả: Zoghbor, Wafa.
Đồng tác giả: Suhair Al-Alami | Thomaï Alexiou.
Vật mang tin: materialTypeLabelSáchXuất bản: Tp. Hồ Chí Minh VNU-HCM Publ. House 2018Mô tả vật lý: vi, 521 p. ill. 24 cm.Số ISBN: 9789948388944.Phân loại DDC: 407.1 Truy cập Online: Truy cập Online
Từ khóa (Tag): (N/A) Đăng nhập để thêm từ khóa.
    Đánh giá trung bình: 4.0 (1 phiếu)
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407.1 PR419E Bạn đọc Bùi Tiên Phong (phongbui) ghi mượn 06/11/2022 2020000000

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Sách Sách HN Library

HN Library

Phòng Báo - Tạp chí
407.1 PR419E Sẵn sàng 2020000001
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HN Library

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407.1 PR419E Sẵn sàng 2020000002
Tổng số đặt mượn: 0

This volume contains a selection of eighteen articles that originated as papers presented at the Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching International Conference and Exhibition (ALLT 2018), which was held at Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in March 2018. The articles selected for inclusion showcase high quality contributions that document theory, research, and pedagogy within the field of Applied Linguistics and language teaching in the Arab Gulf and beyond.

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Proceedings of the Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching Conference 2018: Teaching and Learning in a Globalised World
Zoghbor, Wafa
Phòng Báo - Tạp chí,
(2020000000 -/- 407.1 PR419E -/- DL_TC) (2020000001 -/- 407.1 PR419E -/- DL_TC) (2020000002 -/- 407.1 PR419E -/- DL_TC)
